Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm so bad at blogging.

I've decided to treat this blog as more of a general blog than a fashion blog, because apparently I neglect it otherwise!
Tuesday is my last final and my last day of workstudy until next semester, so that's exciting. Very excited for a new year and catching up on sleep. I'm close to reaching my "365 movies in 365 days" days goal, and with the upcoming between-semesters-free-time, I'll definitely meet it. Current count: 360. So close. Oddly enough, I didn't being keeping track with the intent to watch so many movies; I was just curious to see how many I usually watch in a year. I didn't change my watching habits at all, or try to watch a movie every single day or anything like that. I guess I'm just a film fiend.
Today I wandered around Detroit taking photos. I'm working on editing them right now. So far so good. It's been a while since I shot in the city (or shot at all, for that matter. This is the first time I've used my camera in December -- very unlike me)! I would post one for you all, but photoshop just froze on me and I haven't saved any of the edits yet. Convenient, eh?
I guess I'll quit rambling and let you folks move on with your lives now. :P
Until next time,


  1. Detroit can be such a beautiful place for photographs!

  2. Definitely! I shoot there a lot. My dad always jokes that I've probably got at least 50 photos of every single street in the city. :P
