Monday, December 20, 2010

I want a dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown.

We just got done watching "I want a dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown" and a quote by Lucy stuck out to me. She calls Rerun's newfound puppy friend "part beagle, part disaster." There could not be a more perfect description of my dog, Wiz!
We got him in Fall '09, around the time that I started college. He was just a baby at the time, only about five months old. He's the love of my life, but he is, as Lucy would say, "part disaster." Lately his rebellion of choice is hopping up on the dining room table and stealing baked goods. He also loves to sneak downstairs and steal socks from the laundry. Most of the time, he's a perfect pup, content with cuddling and sleeping all day. But of course, he's also got a crazy side. If he is "part disaster," he's the best kind of disaster I've ever encountered!
You followers will probably be seeing a lot of his adorable little face. He's very photogenic and I take pictures of him as often as possible!

(PS - I'll probably update with a shopping post tomorrow. Given the fact that I haven't posted a fashion blog since October, I've got quite a few great buys to share! Including Christmas gifts for my best friend. Hopefully she doesn't read this blog, so I can post them without spoiling anything. :P)

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