Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Beauty Rants and Fashion Raves

I'll start with the positive: I have a new obsession!
I went on a mini-shopping trip to the mall on Monday. I only bought one sweater and one necklace (see pictures below), but we're going back on Friday because I don't get paid until tomorrow. :P
Anyway, here's my obession:

This AMAZING blue & white (It may look purple in the picture depending on your monitor, but it looks blue in person) striped sweater, $14.95 at H&M. I am in love with it. The neck is wide enough to wear either normally or one-shoulder, it's a bit long (I hate short shirts, especially sweaters), and it's warm but not so warm that I feel like I'm roasting if I wear it in a building with that has the heat on. I'm not sure if it's just because it's new or if I genuinely like it better than everything else, but it is definitely my favorite shirt right now. Best purchase I've made in a while, and the price isn't bad either!
Here's the necklace I bought:

A little gold Bambi from F21. I only had $4-ish left after buying the sweater (I'd only brought $20 with me, because I mainly wanted to window shop in preparation for pay day :P), so I was looking for something really cheap. This piece was only $3.80 and I thought it was super cute. The little spots on the body of the deer are heart shaped. And you can never have too many necklaces!

Now, on to the negative... a beauty rant, on TRESemme's new Fresh Start Dry Shampoo.
My sister bought a can of it to try out, because her hair is dyed red and as anyone who has had red hair knows, it fades FAST, so she's trying to keep the shampoos to a minimum. I'd never tried dry shampoo before, but I decided to try it the other morning before work. I'd had a great hair day on Monday, and the only part of my hair that looks awful on day 2 is my bangs, so I figured I'd toss some of this on and be good to go for another great hair day. I was sorely disappointed! I followed the instructions (both from the bottle and from my sister, who has more experience with it than I do), but it did nothing at all for my bangs. It gave my roots all over a nice lift, but the bangs still looked greasy, and it made them much more piecey than usual. I ended up just braiding them and pinning them back Lauren Conrad style.
Have you had any experiences with dry shampoo? There is a chance that I did just somehow use it wrong, so I'm willing to try it again... share your tips with me!

I'll be back on Friday or Saturday with a new "recent purchase" post... going on a major (I say that now, but will probably only end up buying a few things :P) H&M trip after class on Friday!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gidget Buys

I haven't done a ton of shopping lately, but there have been a few irresistible deals. Here are my eight most recent purchases!
1. Item: Rinse Wash Jeggings
Store: Target
Price: Orig. $24.00, on sale for $17
I am IN LOVE with these jeggings. I'm one of those girls who hates buying and wearing pants. I'm oddly proportioned, and very short, so it's hard to find pants - especially jeans - that fit me nicely and feel comfortable. These are amazing! I'm sure I'll be wearing them everywhere from now on.
2. Item: Black Jeggings
Store: Target
Price: Orig. $24.00, on sale for $17
The same as number 1, but in Black instead of Rinse Wash. I loved them so much that I bought both colors! :)
3. Item: Pink Moccasin-style flats
Store: Target
Price: ~$16
I needed some comfortable flats to replace my favorite every-day-let's-walk-around-campus-for-12-hours-and-still-be-comfortable gold ones, which recently suffered a horrible death (the sole had a "mouth" in the front). These look adorable with skinnies, and I mostly wear neutrals so I don't have to worry about them clashing. They even match my peacoat and favorite scarf perfectly! :)
4. Item: Black Oxford-ish shoes
Store: Target
Price: ~$11
I have been looking for Oxfords for a loooong time. Unfortunately, all of the ones that I've found have been a wee bit out of my normal shoe price range, so until I save up for them, these'll do! They're cute, they're comfortable, and for only $11 I couldn't pass them up.
5. Item: Tie-waist knit cardigan
Store: Old Navy
Price: Orig. ~$45, on sale for $20
The picture isn't the exact sweater that I bought - I couldn't find a photo of mine on their website! - but it has the same pattern & style. The only difference is that mine is long sleeved. I got it during their "every sweater is $20" promotion a few weeks ago. SO comfy and cozy! Perfect for fall/winter.
6. Item: The Graduate, "Only Every Time"
Rating: 5/5 stars!
This album is AMAZING, and I expect no less from this band. I feel in love with them when my best friend dragged me to a Simple Plan show a few years ago. They were the opener. Every single song on this album is wonderful, I've been listening to it on repeat since I bought it.
7. Item: Jarrod Gorbel, "Devil's Made a New Friend"
Rating: 5/5 stars!
Another great album. Jarrod Gorbel's voice is one of my favorite voices of all time. As much as I miss The Honorary Title, his first solo effort is a very solid album. This man can do no wrong in my eyes, to be honest with you. :P He could cover a Jonas Brothers song and I would still buy ten copies.
8. Item: The Band Perry, Self-Titled Full Length
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
I had extremely high hopes for this album and for this band. I loved the two singles and was anxiously awaiting the release of the full length. I bought it the day it was released, thinking that it was going to become one of my new favorite albums. I'm sorry to say, I was slightly disappointed! While there are a few songs on the album that I reeeeeally love, overall I wasn't as impressed as I hoped I'd be. There was no "wow" factor. I'm sure it'll grow on me as I give it a few more listens (I've been hooked on The Graduate & neglecting everything else), but as of right now, I can only give it a 3.5/5.

Halloween Inspiration

This year's costume: 1950's housewife!

Every year for Halloween, I either dress as Teen Wolf (wearing a wolf mask and my dad's old HS letter jacket) or a businessman from the 1980's (also borrowing from my dad's closet, haha). I'm excited to finally do something different this year! I actually have PLANS aside from passing out candy, so I've decided to take costume inspiration from my favorite decade: the 1950's. I'm going thrifting next weekend to find the perfect dress -- and I'll allow myself to splurge if needed, because I know I'll get a lot of wear out of it beyond Halloween. I'm also considering carrying either a baby doll, a broom, or a mixing bowl with me. I'm definitely bringing my 1950's Kodak Brownie camera! Anyway, above is a little "inspiration board" that I put together, for use while shopping and putting my look together.
What are you dressing as for Halloween?

Hello, Blogspot!

My name is Lindsey, but you can call me Gidget. I've decided to join the realm of fashion/style/entertainment blogging, because those are all things that I love!
Where else can you find me?
Twitter: @gidgettt
Tumblr: Jupiter and Mars and Old Hollywood Daily
Listography: @LiiiindseyD
Happy blogging/reading! :)