Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gidget Buys

I haven't done a ton of shopping lately, but there have been a few irresistible deals. Here are my eight most recent purchases!
1. Item: Rinse Wash Jeggings
Store: Target
Price: Orig. $24.00, on sale for $17
I am IN LOVE with these jeggings. I'm one of those girls who hates buying and wearing pants. I'm oddly proportioned, and very short, so it's hard to find pants - especially jeans - that fit me nicely and feel comfortable. These are amazing! I'm sure I'll be wearing them everywhere from now on.
2. Item: Black Jeggings
Store: Target
Price: Orig. $24.00, on sale for $17
The same as number 1, but in Black instead of Rinse Wash. I loved them so much that I bought both colors! :)
3. Item: Pink Moccasin-style flats
Store: Target
Price: ~$16
I needed some comfortable flats to replace my favorite every-day-let's-walk-around-campus-for-12-hours-and-still-be-comfortable gold ones, which recently suffered a horrible death (the sole had a "mouth" in the front). These look adorable with skinnies, and I mostly wear neutrals so I don't have to worry about them clashing. They even match my peacoat and favorite scarf perfectly! :)
4. Item: Black Oxford-ish shoes
Store: Target
Price: ~$11
I have been looking for Oxfords for a loooong time. Unfortunately, all of the ones that I've found have been a wee bit out of my normal shoe price range, so until I save up for them, these'll do! They're cute, they're comfortable, and for only $11 I couldn't pass them up.
5. Item: Tie-waist knit cardigan
Store: Old Navy
Price: Orig. ~$45, on sale for $20
The picture isn't the exact sweater that I bought - I couldn't find a photo of mine on their website! - but it has the same pattern & style. The only difference is that mine is long sleeved. I got it during their "every sweater is $20" promotion a few weeks ago. SO comfy and cozy! Perfect for fall/winter.
6. Item: The Graduate, "Only Every Time"
Rating: 5/5 stars!
This album is AMAZING, and I expect no less from this band. I feel in love with them when my best friend dragged me to a Simple Plan show a few years ago. They were the opener. Every single song on this album is wonderful, I've been listening to it on repeat since I bought it.
7. Item: Jarrod Gorbel, "Devil's Made a New Friend"
Rating: 5/5 stars!
Another great album. Jarrod Gorbel's voice is one of my favorite voices of all time. As much as I miss The Honorary Title, his first solo effort is a very solid album. This man can do no wrong in my eyes, to be honest with you. :P He could cover a Jonas Brothers song and I would still buy ten copies.
8. Item: The Band Perry, Self-Titled Full Length
Rating: 3.5/5 stars
I had extremely high hopes for this album and for this band. I loved the two singles and was anxiously awaiting the release of the full length. I bought it the day it was released, thinking that it was going to become one of my new favorite albums. I'm sorry to say, I was slightly disappointed! While there are a few songs on the album that I reeeeeally love, overall I wasn't as impressed as I hoped I'd be. There was no "wow" factor. I'm sure it'll grow on me as I give it a few more listens (I've been hooked on The Graduate & neglecting everything else), but as of right now, I can only give it a 3.5/5.


  1. i have heard such good things about Target moccasins. i want to get a pair in black since i have three pairs of brown mocs :)

  2. LOVE that sweater from Old Navy! I have been wanting one like that!

  3. @Every Little Thing - You should get some! They're great. I own a ton of black shoes already so I figured I'd go a little crazy and get the pink ones. :P

    @Katie - Me too! It's so cozy. I wear it around the house all the time. It hasn't been cold enough to wear it outside yet, but I'm sure it'll be great for wearing around campus.
